The feature that might particularly interest fellow bike geeks is the Sturmey-Archer Phoenix 8 speed hub gears (I certainly can't find many mentions of it on the web). It was a snap to set up and adjust the gears, although the supplied cable was really poor quality - I lost count of how many times I had to adjust and compensate for the cable stretching, but it seemed like virtually every time I was out on the bike for the first week. I don't think it's the cable routing (though the cable is bent more when I fold the bike) because now that the cable has finally stopped stretching it doesn't seem to be affected by folding the bike.
Apart from the cable stretch, the hub seems very good. The range is fine, and because 1st gear is the 1:1 ratio this hub works very well with smaller wheels without having to use a very large chainring (my 42/25 combination gives me 31" - 96"). The downshifts are very smooth (the shifter is increasing cable tension). Upshifts are less smooth, they sometimes "hesitate" or hit neutral. Usually it's enough to momentarily stop pedaling, but if it hits neutral I need to back-pedal before it goes into gear. I don't know if this is going to continue to be an issue, or if it will improve as the hub wears in, or if I can lubricate something that will fix the problem?
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